Hi friends!
Welcome to my ASL Vlog! ASL (American Sign Language) is the most beautiful language in the world!
Always Be Cool.................................................................
A day when deaf people and their language are completely accepted -- no, more than that, truly welcomed -- as a part of the family of man, in which God created diversity not to oppress the minority who are different, but to enrich the lives of all.
-- Laurent Clerc
Yeah!!!!!! we rocks!!!!! Deaf Read rules!!!! let's throw fireworks!!!! party hard!!!! of course don't drink and drive!
hugs and kisses to you all!!!
Gary Brooks
Many other ASL and Deaf Studies classes are also using DeafRead as a part of their cirriculi. I think it is wonderful as this helps them understand the Deaf Community better. :)
Thanks for sharing :)!
Whooo!!!! DeafRead is definitely a great vessel of enlightenment and empowerment to the Deaf Community!
-PANY Lighthouse
We're happy to contribute to your class among others. All the credit goes to the bloggers/vloggers, of course!
A M E N !!!
That is so fantastic. Please tell her I thank her very much for having all of her students to get involved for part of assignment. That was wonderful idea!
And yes, DeafRead is the best thing to us because without it, no way we can pass along to each other.
Thank you for sharing the information!
Wow John and Jill!!
Thanks for sharing about how are we compared to hearing bloggers. It surely made me feel so proud of our deafread community where we are able to engage into a meaningful discourse more than we realize.
I happen to know an ASL associate professor in NTID assigning her students to read Deafread and select a v/blogger to interview. No question that deafread serves as a vehicle for anyone who tries to understand Deaf culture and ASL community.
Glad you made this assignment and set an example, Jill!
Kudos to you all v/bloggers!
Thank you, John and Jill, for sharing with us. I required my ASL students to do their homeworks on deafread.com since last January. It is rich information in deafread.com. Yes!
Wow!! Way to go!!! I'm proud of you guys. Keep v/blogging...
Knowledge is power! The more we understand ourselves, more power to Deaf people!
Another great example of how the deaf community is using blogs and vlogs to educate the world around us! Thanks for sharing that with us! I'd love to read those papers!!!
~ LaRonda
Hey John and David...
I like how you sign, "DeafRead rocks!"
But... how do you sign, "DeafRead rocks my socks off!"???
Your wife is prejudice! Shame on you!!!
Let me tell you something about your wife's comments...
She said "hearing people complain about their personal life, attack each other and so on". Then you said "deafies are more professional than hearing". SHAME ON YOU, JILL...THAT'S DISCRIMINATION. SHAME ON YOU JILL!!! pffftttt
No, anonymous, if there is to be any shaming at all, it will be YOU two!
THINK! If you had simply said that you noticed that Jill used an overgeneralization and explain that there ARE some hearing people who are just as good as deaf, THEN leave it at that. Then I am sure that either JohnABC or Jill will respond back with respect because you gave them respect first when disagreeing. But since you chose to attack her character, you lost any right to self-defense until you find in your heart to apologize.
I understand disagreeing with good clearly explained reasons but disagreeing and attacking? NO!
Anonymous, hey Jill got comments from her students. So, you barked at wrong tree.
yeah!!! deaf power! hurray!
That is wonderful! It is good to see that DeafRead is being used for educational purpose, a great place for hearing people to have an eye opener into how deaf people think, feel, and live. It gives a more broader (and at the same more detailed) view of us deaf people than "Through Deaf Eyes". DeafRead is like a continuation of "Through Deaf Eyes, only LIVE. :-)
Kudos to Jill!
Ah, an anonymous comment just appeared with ugly message. This just confirmed my video discuss on anonymous usually give a displease message. Anonymous is a ghost with no identity. Therefore, you don't exist.
Jill, its cool to see students research on deafread.com. I am glad we can contribute something to them. :)
ABC, any of Jill's students write a good report on your VLOGS? I bet they have!
Hey ABC and Jill!
Thank you for wonderful sharing with us! Indeed, DeafRead Rocks! It made us to pull together into close knit of the deaf and hard of hearing community to share many things to increase our personal growth and knowledge of power. That's truly important to love each other into the city of harmony.
DeafRead.com, keep it up for us to stay in our community forever!
Nick Vera
In my first video clip, I discuss Joey's idea of using videos and ASL for discourse on deaf related issues. I also explain that it is a great (innovative) way of exposing our culture to others.
The more, the better!
Kudos to all bloggers and vloggers!
Response to David CLICK HERE
To: Anonymous who said Shame on you, Jill,
Aw, come on! Jill didn't say anything hurtful. She just commented away what her students said about deaf and hearing's blogs and vlogs. Please have a heart and be nice. It will change your heart. Life is too short. oh, come on!!!! Lighten up! I hate ugly comments. Pfft yourself, not at Jill. OK!!!
To Jill:
Just IGNORE what that poor and miserable soul, anonymous said to you. I saw that you didn't say anything harmful. Geez, I guess that person misunderstood you completely.
I am glad to hear that your students really enjoyed deafread.com.
I love you and John.
Your old friend,
Yeah, I agreed with your old friend, Debbie that Jill didn't say anything hurtful!
Yes, we the Deaf vloggers and bloggers are CHAMP!!! We rocks!! DEAF READ RULZ!!!
Hello John and Jill,
Awesome! Thank you very much for sharing the wonderful news with us today! Yes, indeed, it really makes me feel so good to know that your ASL students continue learning more about the deaf community and culture. They realize that we are human beings!
Cheers and hugs,
Thank you for bringing this up for the ASL classes. I think it will be a great way for the students to learn about deaf people and their b/vlogs. I got inspired by that, and I want to include it in the future classes. :)
Perfect example to your students that we have DEAFREAD, DEAFREAD Rocks!
John and Jill,
Hooray!! :-) Deafread rocks!!! I thank to Deafread because it profits me greatly educated.
A+ thumbs up!! ;-)
Kudos and hats to v/bloggers.
Yes, Yes, Yes! I agreed with Fookem. That anonymous really did bark at the WRONG TREE. BIG TIME!
Dear Anonymous who barked at the wrong tree,
Please watch carefully what Jill explained about what her students said. Watch twice before you type up your comment.
Geez!!! Did you know that being cool is the best thing to do and good for you mentally and spiritually? I bet as of right now, you are sitting and reading my comment feeling ashamed of yourself for barking at the wrong tree. HA HA HA! You had made a big fool of yourself. Laughing at you right now!!! And Jill is having a last laugh.
Cool...but hope you didn't have them look at MY vlogs.
*hides under ASL rock* ;)
DeafRead TOTALLY rocks!!
AWESOME ... PROOF THAT Deafies could do anything as equal as give THE IMPRESSION as the Deafies have all the ability to be EQUAL for all the communication with the general world population (the Hearies).
ABC, you gave that THE IMPRESSION to make all of US THE DEAFIES real PROUD !!!!
That made me feel good for the "future" (our sighting in the future in all regards) as so BRIGHT AND INCREDIBLE !!!! Not feel as we would be "dragging" behind the Hearies group as on any Path.
Oh let count both John and Jill (ABC couple) BE GLORY as BELIGHTENING the DeafRead -- show the world !!!!
That's great news!!!
Thanks for sharing with us
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