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Monday, April 16, 2007

Does ADA prevent the Deaf from getting a job?


Deaf Kitchen said...

Yes, I believe the ADA is a double-edged sword. It has probably improved the working conditions of Deaf people who *already* have a job, or are fortunate enough to land one. However, for those who are looking for a job...like John said, when companies see that the applicant is deaf, they see red flags and don't even bother to interview. It is probably harder for an applicant to prove discrimination in the hiring process than to successfully fight for communications access once s/he lands a job--and companies know this.

Anonymous said...

I dontthink so.I got a job at Target overnightstock.I dont see why deaf people can get jobs but it depend what they want to work different jobs.My jobs are different to take a risk because I can get hurt anytime.I dontthink that ADA try to prevent deaf people not getting anyjobs.If they live on ssi or ssdi to make them lazy not looking for jobs LOL

Vampbat said...

maybe u are right. but i think depend on which Company can afford so easier hired deaf people? as Target, Walmart, Home-Dept, something big business have money. it's must be easier get job. PLUS depend on place town if they full hired or still have some hiring left? and u have great question. i have no idea. keep up with ur videoclips.

Joshua Womick

mishkazena said...

What kind of jobs are they looking for? Nowadays most of the jobs require college degrees, unlike old times where minimal requirements are high school diplomas. The standby deaf schools are mostly declining in sizes, so the jobs aren't as plentiful as in the past. Computer jobs are mostly outsourced to overseas.

So this is a good question. Is it due to ADA or a rapidly changing economy? Perhaps both in combination?

Lisa C. said...

Yes, I had thought about that, too. I haven't had a job after applying for more than 45 jobs after moving to Texas in 2005. My friend who works in a personal service in Washington state where I lived said that NO one would hire any deaf person in any state. Some people I know gave up their houses after being laid off from their jobs and were unable to find new jobs. Its VERY sad!!

Anonymous said...

America have a bad ecomony.That isnot only deaf people having a hard time to get jobs and hearing people have hard time to get any jobs. companies are overseas because cheap labor.

Karen Mayes said...

Hmmm... yes, it is costly to make sure that the companies are accessible, BUT there is a tax write-off... so that the companies would not feel they were being ripped off. My husband who is a software developer working in Carmel and his employer are looking for the tax write-off for the "disabled" employee (sorry, I have to say that awful, taboo word... disabled, but that is what the government looks for, to be willing to accept tax write off.) I know, there is no tax write offs for sexes, races, etc., but apparently there are tax write offs for disabled people...

Anonymous said...

Very interesting thinking. I believe that you're so right about this. I am wondering about the other people who are disability other than deafness are having similar problem. It would be interesting to see what other disability people (not just deaf) have to say about this. They're probably go through the same problem -- for wheelchaired people requiring to have ramp and/or move to 1st floor office. Blind people requiring to have braille and have a person to beside this person at all the time to read for them. Many times, I read about the statistic of unemployment and employment, I kept wondering if they ever statistic people with disabilities. I bet that they're excluded from the statistic. So typical of ignorant 'normal' people!

Julie B.

David Ennis said...

Yes, I agreed with deaf kitchen's comment. For example, NTID and RIT always keep updating these excellant technical courses for Deaf students but the number of NTID?RIT alumnis who are unemployed or on SSDI is increasing every year and today outpaces the number of NTID/RIT alumnis are fully employed. that s something wrong with ADA that may be turning off with companies. Remember that in 1991, the lobbyists for the private companies had vigorusly fought against the bill of the ADA but they lost it. I wonder if many companies ever tried avoiding to hire Deaf applicants.

Anonymous said...

Its a possiblity as I myself have experienced difficulity to find a job whenever I get laid off. In my experience it takes me an average of 2 years before I land another job out of a total of 20 years in between jobs.

However, I wonder what about other disabled people who are not deaf? Do they have similar difficulties in finding jobs?

I am very curious to find out the types of disability and percentage of those who experienced difficulty in finding jobs and for how long it took them?



OCDAC said...

There has been a lot of misinformation on the ADA in the business community. This stems from the LACK OF EDUCATION on the ADA and what the minimum requirements are. And theres hardly any educatuion on the tax incentives for making business or the workplace compliant on the ADA as well. There's event public gtrants available to businesses in need of making themselves compliant with ADA.

Basically there's a lot of good things going on to help businesses comply with the ADA.

It seems we're the only ones in the west coast doing all the educating.

Anonymous said...

I have always heard that it is really expensive to be deaf. I believe that the main key for any deaf people who seek a place to work is to write and read well. Do not give up your battle with hearing world. You need to market yourself well too. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

As the Annoymous said, 'I work at Target'. It is easy to get a job at the department store (any department stores) depends on the position they would put the Deaf people, not to be an Excutive or Officer. Nope.
It could be possibly noticeable since ADA signed in 90'. It must harder to get a job, even though the Deaf person graduate with the higher degree. My friend went through college to become the autopy worker for the funeral home. She is Deaf and speak very well. She applied a job for one year and half. She did not get a job because she is Deaf. She decided to ask to have an advocate who help her. That is shame.

drmzz said...

Probably. Wheelchair access, easy build once, that's it. For Deaf, high interpreting costs is the barrier. Even I tried employment placement in Silicon Valley during its hey days, it is difficult. Many employers rely on temp agencies for referrals which are unfamiliar with advocacy for Deaf applicants and unwilling to provide interps for intake, etc. Many immigrants obtained jobs instead. I often suggested tax incentives, many don't want go thru the paperwork. Right, it is too much work hence new barriers for deaf applicants.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I worked Federal Govt (Navy) in Maryland for 16 yrs. I have been looking for new jobs for several years due My current job does not offer an professional interpreter for on and off because of money issues BUT EEO office does not know about ADA Law and get an interpreter. I felt little conflict because my first job SPAWAR in Vrigina does aware about ADA law and Provided interpreter. In 1996, I was transfer to Navy in Maryland from SPAWAR in Vrigina due SPAWAR relocated San Diego, CA. Sometimes, I felt Navy in Maryland does mistreated me for long time. I really need out of NAVY so badly but I think the reason that econcomy but I am planning go back to college and get degrees eh?.I still dont know why hearing ppl just back off about deaf people does they are scared? or cant afford an interpreter or whatever what they think BUT it is not our fault being deafness right?. It is human beings

Beaux Arts de Boutjean said...

I would think that there are several larger factors that are attributed for the change as follows:

--Affirmative Action (AA)

AA: Itincludes reparations to apologise descendants for the slavery of their black ancestors.

Outsourcing: It was discovered by greedy capitalists, Bush and Cheney. They feel that employers
would have a chance to become wealthier by hiring foreigners in
India and the Philippines who accept 20 cents per hour for 16/6
without paying for their health
insurance and social security.

ADA: It is quite eXpen$ive to hire
deaf people. Not only would employers have to supply TTY in offices but they would have to install interpreting services, say, for less than ten deaf employees.

I do not know why no one in Congress has objected that Bush
has allowed outsourcing of IRS
and Social Security Administration to India several years ago because
IRS and SSA belong to American taxpayers. It is complicated to further about outsourcing, but two things I know for a fact is that in 2004 Bush insulted Americans as less patriotic for refusing to work on road construction or on farms which illegal immigrants accept despite less than $2 per hour and that employers of coprorates have a right to outsource.

That is the capitalist USA,
something that socialist countries like Great Britian, Germany, Sweden, Spain, France, would not do that to their citizens. One way to have a decent life is to move to Europe, period. OH, yes, they are much more generous to deaf people than American employers are.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I do agreed with Jean but does Capital Hill(Congress and house senate) did pay each of agency have deaf employees who worked?. My opinsion that The congress and senate should spend more money on any agency to depend on deaf employee that need an interpreter, new TDD or etc. than paying Wars, unneccsary things and etc. I dont know why they does not care what deaf employees needed.

Don Stewart said...

Yes ADA could be the problem for deafies to face when applying for a new job. Most companies are looking to hire cheaper workers by giving low salary or paying to save money. I am not surprised since I got laid off from a job for 12 yrs. I was told that I was too expensive to keep. I had the feeling that they dont want to spend money on interpreters or anything related to deafness for me to be comfy with.

In other words, I did applied for an architect job for 3 yrs while unemployed. I dont get a job at all but fornately I got one via www.monster.com My old coworker saw my name from 18 yrs ago and hired me next day. All of the jobs I got by friends recommendations, not the interviewers or strangers. How Odd it is?? I agree with you that it may be a difficult path for us in the long run till it gets better. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

What I learned about the ADA, in the beginning the idea originated from the wheelchair people (or other disabled group as I cannot remember which one) and they devised the idea of forming ADA as there were not enough accessibility (mostly physical) in many public places and they were isolated and could not get out to go shopping or whatever. While the ADA was undergoing passage, deaf people were not involved or informed until the very last minute about it when the ADA was about to be submitted to the Congress or whatever so we had to cram a lot of necessary information in there in a very short time. Had the deaf people been involved with the early stages of ADA, then perhaps maybe we would have been able to get more done in the ADA passage for deaf people.

todos la vie said...

Hi there,
What spurned this on? Did something happen or was this a general question? Interesting analysis. I think it depends on the job duties versus cost factors. The employer can file for huge tax breaks for hiring "people with disabilities." - there are ways to reduce costs in employing deaf people - like, condensing all meetings into once a week, rather than daily meetings, etc.

Anonymous said...

Also I do notice that many court rulings on ADA, especially Title I - Employment are in favor of employers that cause fewer rights for us as deaf people and people with disabilities. Congress acknowkedges and is working on a new bill to restore some rights under ADA

Also,. one word many employers have is the ATTITUDE .....

Mark Hill

Anonymous said...

i often wonder about that. It is hard to say for sure. Good topic.

Anonymous said...

At CDC, they don't want to hire people with less skills. They want to hire people with a college degree.

Last time CDC hired a deaf person with no college degree in 1980's.

So we have only 1 with a college degree and 3 with no college degree people who work at CDC.

I understand it is hard for deaf people to apply at CDC because too many people applied for the same job. A deaf person with a college degree may not get the job. Best way to work at other government agency, then you can transfer to CDC with a good work performance!

People who have a good work performance will get a promotion at CDC.

CDC= Center for Diseases Control

CDC is under Federal Government so they get fund to provide interpreters and etc.

I believe small companies have a problem with ADA.

Katie Roberts said...

I believe that the ADA has made it harder and better for deaf people. Harder because there will always be employers that will not want to hire deaf people because of the accomodations required.. they figure, "why bother".

But on the other hand, without ADA I would have not gotten my current job or been able to perform so well. I was lucky enough to get a job through the "back door" (meaning they couldnt' find anyone else who was qualified, and the other ASL teachers talked them in it). Because of ADA, they were required by law to give me the opportunity to interview, using an ASL interpreter, where I could impress them with my knowledge and demonstrate that I was intelligent and capable.

doubled edged sword?


But I couldn't do without it.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with what ya say on the VLOG...

Look at the number of Gallaudet graduates with BA/BS or MA/MS is increasing in not effective in employment.

Is it because we put Gallaudet University on our resume along with showing the transcript that we receive from Gallaudet University that put the companies in the fear of hiring us due to our D/deafness and our rights?

How about hearing Gallaudet graduates? Are they having same problems?

Anonymous said...

You have proof? What about the stastics?

I think Most Deaf people are exaggerated about not able to find a job. Plus I susepct most of them do not have the skills for the job. They need to stop whine "I can't find job", "It is hard to find a job.".

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Hi, I worked Federal Govt (Navy) in Maryland for 16 yrs. I have been looking for new jobs for several years due My current job does not offer an professional interpreter for on and off because of money issues BUT EEO office does not know about ADA Law and get an interpreter. I felt little conflict because my first job SPAWAR in Vrigina does aware about ADA law and Provided interpreter. In 1996, I was transfer to Navy in Maryland from SPAWAR in Vrigina due SPAWAR relocated San Diego, CA. Sometimes, I felt Navy in Maryland does mistreated me for long time. I really need out of NAVY so badly but I think the reason that econcomy but I am planning go back to college and get degrees eh?.I still dont know why hearing ppl just back off about deaf people does they are scared? or cant afford an interpreter or whatever what they think BUT it is not our fault being deafness right?. It is human beings

April 16, 2007 12:52 PM "

You have Taylorism. Taylorism is like for example Steve worked for the post office over 20 years then he decided to quit and want a different job. He doesn't have any skills to find the different job anywhere else. That's the problem in reality. How do you fix this problem? Go back to school and get a degree or find a job that starts at the bottom. If you're sick of your job, I suggest you to go back to college and get a degree whatever you want to.

mule4350 said...

Well You know what! When They have one black people in TV ,movie,proudtion in USA LAW. Why cant they add DEAF for New Law like black to require to work along white people!

Anonymous said...

Would you like my opinion?

Anonymous said...

'You have proof? What about the stastics?

I think Most Deaf people are exaggerated about not able to find a job. Plus I susepct most of them do not have the skills for the job. They need to stop whine "I can't find job", "It is hard to find a job.".

That kind of attitude is typical and that pisses me when they assumed otherwise- So, you say- where is the proof? How about if you can google it and find it! If you have the skill to find it, then show me! (I know where to find it, Id bet you CANT!)Let me give you a little hint..the avg unemployment is around 68% for disabilities. GO figure!

mochame said...

ADA is our biggest weakest link, All we already know so Blame on ADA for Political reasons. ADA should keep inform the DEAF how many people work, how many people layoff, how many they find the good pay job, how many find the not so good pay job, how many people fired, ADA should doing something to help DEAF people to get lot of support.

Anonymous said...

Mocame, you are right but the people who founded the idea for ADA simply FORGOT all about us until the very last minute when the bill was about to undergo through the voting and they realized that they needed to include us. This is the big problem that society tends to forget about us.

Anonymous said...

a bit of unfair comparison here cuz america has moved from mechancized economy to service economy. and it stnks everywhere

you do raise a good point for discussion.
high interpreting costs is one of the issues.

subsidies? i am not sure cuz business already get huge tax writeoffs.

deaf cant seek redress under ada cuz monetary awards are not allowed. (under 504, yes)
and the backlog at courts do discourage many people..

yes deafkitchen is right...employers now know what to do and what not to do...sad

Anonymous said...

Times change. Back then, many deaf males are printers. Now, no need for printers. Also during world war II, many factory workers needed to make things that are needed for war. Job Market different. Another thing I've noticed is my deaf parents friends grammar are excellent compared to many today's deaf. Many are more socially concioius, adhere to proper social behavior compared to most deaf today. ADA does help company follow the rules. It is discrimination to not hire because you are deaf. Many deaf don't feel like persuing. Easy, just go to DOJ website and look for ADA complaint form. Fill it out. Do your part to report it. More company that violate ADA by not hiring will think twice. MZ is right that most job now days require degrees, wheras, back then, not. There are TAX breaks to hire a deaf!!! There is not much of a burden! really, you don't need interpreter on job 24/7! silly. You need interpreter for meetings. Or use two computer to communicate. IM message, Be creative!!!!

Government is looking for employees all the time. Apply and work for Uncle Sam! go to OPM.COM!

Anonymous said...

Far out carl, you actulally think that ADA caused political correctness to come into play and that because of UNpolitical correct words on resume actually causes a potential employer to not hire deaf people? wow.

But hey, deaf along is enough to scare many. That is why we don't need to do that. When you fill out application, put down nothing or hearing impaired. forget about your pride for one min ok!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
'You have proof? What about the stastics?

I think Most Deaf people are exaggerated about not able to find a job. Plus I susepct most of them do not have the skills for the job. They need to stop whine "I can't find job", "It is hard to find a job.".

That kind of attitude is typical and that pisses me when they assumed otherwise- So, you say- where is the proof? How about if you can google it and find it! If you have the skill to find it, then show me! (I know where to find it, Id bet you CANT!)Let me give you a little hint..the avg unemployment is around 68% for disabilities. GO figure!

April 16, 2007 7:04 PM

Let me tell you something. Virginia got the lowest unemployment rate which was 2.4%. there are BUNCHES of Deafies live in Northern VA. Apparently, Deaf people find job pretty easy. how do you explain 2.4% unemployment rate in Virginia????? ZAP!

Anonymous said...

the avg unemployment is around 68% for disabilities

ha ha ha ha.... yeah right.

Anonymous said...

I sent the video clip link to a good friend of mine who is a VR counselor. She replied "Hmmm... maybe so..."

Anonymous said...

ABC...to answer your question.

NOPE! ADA does not affect Deaf people from getting the jobs.
The answer is SSI/SSD. I have see many bunch of lazy deaf people not working cuz they have SSI/SSD. Once they have it, they don't bother to look for the job.
I may be wrong but I have seen many.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's interesting !! Never thought of it, but still discrimination ! Huh?

Anonymous said...


Instead of me leaving you a comment because the video was like 3 minutes long so I went ahead to post on my blog, come and check it out when you get a moment. :-D


Anonymous said...

Hey, Carl you seems right about polictias etc. but one problem that an applicanace will ask anyone where is your school? should i put hearing imparied or deaf on it first later i notice that it ask you where is your school? then i will write deaf what can i choice hearing imparie or deaf on it?

Anonymous said...


You obviously dont get it. It is true that the unemployment is almost 70%. However, you stated that in VA is only 2.4%. Keep in mind that doesn't count ALL (CPI tends to focus on higher income bracket and not in the middle class)including disability! Here is the proof-

-The Task Force is charged with creating a coordinated and aggressive citywide plan to bring more people with disabilities into the workforce. An estimated 70 percent of people with disabilities of working age (18 to 64) are unemployed-


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You obviously dont get it. It is true that the unemployment is almost 70%. However, you stated that in VA is only 2.4%. Keep in mind that doesn't count ALL (CPI tends to focus on higher income bracket and not in the middle class)including disability! Here is the proof-

-The Task Force is charged with creating a coordinated and aggressive citywide plan to bring more people with disabilities into the workforce. An estimated 70 percent of people with disabilities of working age (18 to 64) are unemployed-


April 17, 2007 9:56 AM

Either they're too lazy to find a job or have an addition to SSI/SSD that they don't want to lose..They're idiots!

Anonymous said...

The Task Force is charged with creating a coordinated and aggressive citywide plan to bring more people with disabilities into the workforce. An estimated 70 percent of people with disabilities of working age (18 to 64) are unemployed-


April 17, 2007 9:56 AM

It sounds like it applies only to Chicago. It DOESN'T apply to all of the 50 states. Your proof is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Either they're too lazy to find a job or have an addition to SSI/SSD that they don't want to lose..They're idiots!


They have an addiction to SSI/SSD. My typo LOL.

Anonymous said...

right, few of my friend say they don't want to lose their SSI or SSD. What a nuts they are, SSI or SSD should be overhaul thru congress. Also interpreter agents over charge what I have heard. What a sad world for deaf today.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment among disabled is almost 70%.
In VA unemployment is only 2.4%.

Keep in mind that Federal unemployment statistics do not count people who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

These people may still be actively seeking work, but will not appear in the Govt's unemployment numbers.


Anonymous said...

That's right. Some guys are lazy.
Example, a blogger lives off SSDI
for many years since graduation & keeps begging people to contribute
$$$ to his blogsite often. Really very embarrassing. Plain lazy.

Anonymous said...

It's possible.... that's possible... I used to get job easier before ADA started. I wasn't able to find any after ADA started which I haven't thought of. I have tried to find job yet they required BA degree, umph-uh.
In the past, they didn't mind whoever doesn't have BA degree at least they got experiences. Now degree matters because those degree carriers complained. Limited those experienced workers from an opportunities.
Now with ADA, it's possible that it limited most deaf applicants.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It's possible.... that's possible... I used to get job easier before ADA started. I wasn't able to find any after ADA started which I haven't thought of. I have tried to find job yet they required BA degree, umph-uh.
In the past, they didn't mind whoever doesn't have BA degree at least they got experiences. Now degree matters because those degree carriers complained. Limited those experienced workers from an opportunities.
Now with ADA, it's possible that it limited most deaf applicants.

April 17, 2007 7:13 PM

What does BA degree have anything to do with ADA?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Response to an idiot anonymous-

So your point is that my source is irrelevant? Ok, then your argument is irrelevant, anyway. It is easy to see 2.4% is misleading.(what is the National avg is 4.7%? how do you compare that to VA?) If you go and check other Metros, Im sure you'd find similar stats. And no, we arent lazy. Its just simply too many uneducated hearing people who took things for granted.

Anonymous said...

I would like to say lot more ... but for now let me throw in this actual statement from the CAREERS & the disABLED magazine

"The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is currently 68%, 15 years after the ADA was past, confirming that industry and government must make a more firm commitment to reach and recruit people with disabilities."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would like to say lot more ... but for now let me throw in this actual statement from the CAREERS & the disABLED magazine

"The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is currently 68%, 15 years after the ADA was past, confirming that industry and government must make a more firm commitment to reach and recruit people with disabilities."

April 18, 2007 6:12 PM

Be more specific...What kind of disabilities were there? It doesn't indicate deaf/hearing impaired or hard of hearing...

Anonymous said...

RidorLive is one of the lazy people, he's on SSDI. A friend of mine told me he don't have a job!?!

Is that true?

Anonymous said...

Yes it is true that RidoLive receives SSDI. He's very lazy and has no life... What a pity.

Anonymous said...

I was in college. They told me as accommodation as they gave me interpreting program. They decided to withdraw the program. They said it is too much money and expensive. And prefer not want to pay for it any more because I have failed college. They not willing to pay more than 1 year and 3 months. So, they knew about ADA law of 1973 year. So, ADA law has reasonsable accomodation of disability rights of law which providing for deaf people accommodation law for interpreting rights. REASONABLE ACCOMMOCATION is that FAIR? NO! You will need RCW law 49.60 number for Legislature Rights. Office Civil Rights to go against ADA law. That is all for now. College rights Section 504. That is all for now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was in college. They told me as accommodation as they gave me interpreting program. They decided to withdraw the program. They said it is too much money and expensive. And prefer not want to pay for it any more because I have failed college. They not willing to pay more than 1 year and 3 months. So, they knew about ADA law of 1973 year. So, ADA law has reasonsable accomodation of disability rights of law which providing for deaf people accommodation law for interpreting rights. REASONABLE ACCOMMOCATION is that FAIR? NO! You will need RCW law 49.60 number for Legislature Rights. Office Civil Rights to go against ADA law. That is all for now. College rights Section 504. That is all for now.

April 23, 2007 1:03 AM

What you just mentioned above is senseless..You said "accomadation" and then "interpertering program"? WTF?!? If you meant to say they provide interpreter for your classes, they will pay for it. fine. but if you fail the courses, VR will not pay for your tution, books, interpreter then that's fair. So what does it have anything to do with ADA? You're an idiot!!!

Anonymous said...


I have question that Federal Governement and Private Sector does have ADA laws for deaf like knowledge, provided CART, Interpreter and etc?. I dont see anybody learn about ADA Laws if they hired Deaf people??? Does they check out www.OPM.gov about hiring deaf people and collect the information about accomodations???


Anonymous said...

Virginia Billy:
That's true about ADA law. All big company must respect all deaf hiring as same as well to Black people working.
I know about Federal Contract with big company MUST hire Deaf works. Federal Contract rule said must hire 20% hiring on handicapped people.
ADA Law is junk!