Hi friends!
Welcome to my ASL Vlog! ASL (American Sign Language) is the most beautiful language in the world!
Always Be Cool.................................................................
A day when deaf people and their language are completely accepted -- no, more than that, truly welcomed -- as a part of the family of man, in which God created diversity not to oppress the minority who are different, but to enrich the lives of all.
-- Laurent Clerc
LOL, I love your facial expressions. Anyway, well said.
-Sir, that storytelling is a good point.
Right on, ASL is best! I believe that ur vlog along with many other vlogs will raise more respect for ASL as a language. Thanks for sharing your observation!
I did not think about that, how true it is!
Keep on with speaking out support ASL.
Many thanks for bringing this up. Here's my response in ASL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj-Uaq_RB-k
Yes I completely agree with Carl's statement that all koda/coda children must learn sign language. It will be a tragedy if they are not able to communicate with their deaf ailing parents. Also several old deaf people are usually isolated and I worry myself about being in that position where I am in a nursing home with hearing people and having no one to communicate with. That is a scary thought!
hello, i wish to see ur story, but it's white and i cant see it. what do me do? thanks
My partner's daughter is only NOW taking sign lessons after 35 years, she is already finding it hard, because of the cost. CODA's should have FREE tuition, and from day ONE, because they won't learn all the relevant signs they need from their parents, when encountering officialdom, simply because the signs are vague, or UNKNOWN to the deaf older people. It'll be a change for my partner to have an adult conversation with her child, instead of the child talking for her.
I totally agree with you. Not only that, but I notice that those oral or lipreading deaf people tend to become more isolated as they get older meanwhile those who are fluent at ASL keep in touch with people with ASL for years and years. Deaf culture and ASL are truly enriching.
Yes, I agree that ASL is best of the communications for old people! So my kids can communicate with us the parents when we are old. EASY!!!
Cheryl Terrell
You raised an excellent point: after seeing different elderly people in Chestnut Lane (Assisted Living Home for the elderly and disAbled Deaf and Deaf/blind residents)comfortable in their native (ASL) language chatting away comfortably, it is inspiring to see them burden-free. It's really funny to see oral folks getting impatient with one another despite being totally aware they cannot hear each other! What is it that they need to feel comfortable to actually mastering ASL before it's too late? What as we individuals Deafies can do to inspire others who are afraid/nervous/shy to acquire ASL? I will always be proud of seeing an elderly deaf man with half non-functioning fingers (his fingers cannot bend up and down... from the mid-knuckles to the tips it is 'paralyzed'.... still he could communicate with ease in ASL as we all can adapt via movement, hand shapes, parameter, etc.
May people continue to be inspired to learn ASL to live peacefully, for communication is truly the glue in keeping a community together! :)
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